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Fibre optics underneath Overtoom: Amsterdam Oud-West is now ready for high-speed internet

Written by Sandy van der Doelen | 29 Sep 2023

At Circet, Challenge is one of the six core values. And it is not there for appearances' sake, as the huge fibre-optic project in Amsterdam Oud-West proves. In the first edition of this series, we took you through the preparation process. In this second edition, we show you how we bridged - or better: undercut - the historic Overtoom for an optimal fibre-optic network. Watch with us how Circet brings this complex civil challenge to a successful conclusion.

The challenge
Connecting the fibre network in Oud-West by passing under the Overtoom, a busy thoroughfare. 
Circet's solution
An accurately prepared bore with minimal inconvenience to tram users, car drivers, cyclists, local residents and others.


Historic Overtoom reinvented 

The Overtoom in Amsterdam's Oud-West district owes its name to the installation that for centuries pulled boats over the dam between the Schinkel and Kostverloren canals. This allowed merchandise to pass quickly through the city. In short, the Overtoom was an important infrastructure link in early modern Amsterdam.

Funnily enough, crossing the Overtoom is still a complex affair today, albeit for entirely different reasons. To get vital infrastructure from one side to the other, you have to reckon with a tangle of pedestrians, cyclists, trams and cars. Nevertheless, Circet was commissioned by Open Dutch Fiber (ODF) to take up the challenge.

Maximum efficiency, minimum inconvenience

"From the central hub, in a quiet side street of the Overtoom, we are conducting directional drilling," says Siebe Obbes, projectleader at Circet. "The biggest challenge here is to pass under the tram tracks, while also making a right-angle turn in the route. Moreover, we have to consider soil contamination, as there are heavy metals present. This means providing our staff with special suits to avoid direct contact. As always, their safety comes first."

"Rather interestingly, road users and local residents are virtually unaware of what happens underground. Our method of targeted drilling avoids most of the inconvenience associated with traditional excavation work. Keeps Amsterdam happy, so we are happy too."

Central hub for fibre optic connections

There is no space in Oud-West to place small, above-ground distribution points, as is usually done in city centres. Therefore, Circet opted for an alternative solution. 

<Name>: "We work with a Point of Presence or central hub at the Overtoom. A solution we build and equip ourselves. Simply put, this is where the 288-strong power supply comes in, allowing as many as 24,000 homes to be supplied with superfast internet. It is this knowledge that makes Circet the ideal partner for challenging fibre-optic projects."