News | Circet Benelux

Circet and KPN together build a reliable fibre network

Written by Sandy van der Doelen | 27 Jun 2023

The best network in the Netherlands: that is KPN's goal. The company wants to connect no less than 80% of Dutch households to its fibre-optic network by the end of 2026. To achieve this, they call on Circet, among others. The collaboration is going so well that KPN has entrusted Circet with the management and maintenance of a large part of this fibre-optic network. 

The challenge    
Connect 80% of Dutch households to the fibre network by the end of 2026, in a competitive market. 

Circet's solution     
We increased our capacity fivefold in a year and a half. That really boosted KPN’s confidence in Circet, so meanwhile we are also responsible for part of the maintenance and management of the KPN network. Together, we are working on new initiatives, such as preventive maintenance.     


Netherlands goes fibre-optic at record pace 

A stable and ultra-fast network without hiccoughs: that is what makes fibre the technology of the future, and why KPN wants to connect the Netherlands as fast as possible. By the end 2026, up to 80% should be ‘fibred’ . "The dynamics in the labour market and the competition between fibre providers make this a very challenging programme," says Maarten van Woerkom, KPN rollout director. "Nevertheless, we are nicely on schedule: in Tilburg and Den Bosch, for example, we are almost ready." 

"Looking at the rest of the Netherlands, we are already at 68%, so things are progressing swiftly. This is largely thanks to Circet. Right now we are running ten projects together." To achieve this, Circet scaled up considerably: "In a year and a half, we grew from two to ten construction streams," confirms Eswin Van Hal, Circet sales director. "We stand shoulder to shoulder and strive to do even better together every day."  

Also management and maintenance 

"We have been working with Circet since 2018 and our collaboration has grown progressively," confirms Joost Steltenpool, EVP Fixed Access Networks KPN. "Circet is very knowledgeable about fibre networks and that too helps KPN to improve every day." 

"Since 1 January 2023, we also manage and maintain part of the KPN network," adds Bavo De Cock, CEO Circet. "We ensure that 1.1 million households get and keep a perfect connection, for example by replacing components in time. Our principles are simple: deliver quality with as little inconvenience as possible and honour agreements. This is in the interest of all parties." 

Preventing malfunctions  

"What we really appreciate about Circet is that they don't just execute. They help us find the best solutions," Joost explains. "They don't wait for breakdowns to happen but prevent them with preventive maintenance." 

"KPN is the greenest telecom provider in the world," Maarten concludes. "For example, our network has been climate-neutral since 2015. And Circet joins in. Every month, for example, they report on the CO2 emissions of their waste streams. It is great that we are making these efforts together."