Merlijn: "Circet is our biggest client: we have been working together non-stop on telecom projects since 2017. We focus on the mobile telecom industry: we replace equipment in telecom masts to roll out new networks. Meanwhile, we have replaced 3G with 4G, and 4G already with 5G. That's how we keep busy, ha-ha!"
Have you grown thanks to the partnership?
Merlijn: "Absolutely. In 2017, we were approached by Circet because of our specialised knowledge and expertise. Back then, there were only two of us. Circet gave us the opportunity to learn and to grow.
Due to the system of tenders, the mobile telecoms industry has many ups and downs: you either run or stand still. Because we now know what we can gain from each other as partners, we are there for Circet in busy times. And vice versa, Circet is there for us in the quieter periods. As a result, we have a permanent core of 7 employees, and we are certain that we will always have work for this group."
"We are there for Circet in busy times. Vice versa, Circet is there for us in quieter periods.”
In addition, we have grown on an organisational level. Participating in a large organisation has inspired us enormously and also made us aware of all the professionalisation steps needed. Specifically, thanks to Circet, we have made great strides in setting up and managing processes."
How did you gain the necessary knowledge and experience?
Merlijn: "At the start of each project, we review together with Circet the specifications and guidelines, which are constantly changing due to all the new technologies and devices. We always start on a time and expense basis. That means we are paid for the first few jobs as we learn and discover - together with Circet.
We share all findings related to the project with Circet. On this basis, Circet can make a good estimate of the work and costs. From the moment we master everything, we officially take on the project. In this way, we ensure a steep learning curve each time."
“At the start of each project, we work on a time and expense basis. This means that for us as a subco, risks are limited.”
The partnership is clearly bursting with confidence, can you give another example of that?
Merlijn: "Sure: the new Odido project! We were involved in rolling out the new network from the start. As a result, we were the only subco aware of the specifications, materials and guidelines. We shared our knowledge and experience with the other subcos for this project. So we educated them.
That may sound a bit strange because subcos are still competitors at the end. But it is important for us to make sure the project runs perfectly within Circet. For that, you need each other. The relationship with Circet ended up being so good that we even dared taking on this project."
Het partnership in figures (2023)
Waarom voelen jullie je zo thuis bij Circet?
Merlijn: "Because we can trust each other and know perfectly well what we have to offer one another. We are in touch with all layers of the organisation. Also, we always feel heard. That‘s particularly important, because ultimately, it’s our mechanics that are in the field. If they indicate that things could be more efficient or should be safer, it is good to see that they are listened to.
“It is very important to be heard as a subco. You can rely on that at Circet.”
Sometimes a client places all responsibility on the subco, but that is not how Circet works. To give another example, our technicians work close to antennas, where the radiation can be so high that the aerial platforms get interference. As a result, our mechanics were regularly stuck high in the sky. Circet measured radiation everywhere and made sure providers - even though they had nothing to do with the project - temporarily switched off their aerials. Surely that is what you look for in a professional principal!?"
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