Circet Alumni
Brand new Privacy Champion Ingrid: “We are not yet sufficiently aware of privacy risks”
Papers lying around on the printer or in a van, a laptop that is left unlocked during the lunch break, telephone numbers that are passed on just a little too quickly... We don’t always think about the privacy risks associated with this kind of ‘sloppiness’. As a Privacy Champion, Ingrid Wens will help us improve our ways in the future. Together with a dozen other colleagues, she followed a course at the Circet Academy.
In Circet Alumni, a colleague tells the story of his or her training at the Circet Academy, in short and detail.
Who is Ingrid?
- Professional life: In early April 2020 – in full lockdown – Ingrid came on board as operations manager. At the beginning of this year, she made the switch to QHSE where she works as a program manager.
- Private life: Ingrid (49) lives in Brecht with her husband, a fifteen-minute bike ride from work in Schoten. She likes good food and she never watches TV.
- Training? Training to become a Privacy Champion
- Her take-away? “Anyone who has bad intentions can take advantage of our ‘sloppiness’. We still don’t think about that enough.”
- Score? “10 out of 10! Very instructive and immediately applicable in practice, professionally and in private life. And a great opportunity to meet our Dutch colleagues.”
- Tip for those who want to keep learning? “Stay with Circet, because you will have every opportunity to learn!”
Why did you follow this training?
“As a program manager QHSE, I am already concerned with safety and well-being at work. Privacy is an integral part of that function. When I organise a toolbox, for example, privacy can be part of it. But I couldn’t see how I could communicate this complex subject matter to the teams in an accessible way. This session helped me a lot with that.”
“Under the guidance of an outside lawyer and colleagues from our legal department, we delved into possible privacy issues for our various teams and activities. We also discussed how we could raise awareness about privacy protection. Everyone shared their experience and we exchanged ideas.”
“Anyone who has bad intentions can take advantage of our ‘sloppiness’. We still don’t think about that enough.”
What did you find most challenging about this training?
“Without a doubt the complexity of the legal matter. Although the follow-up process for the Privacy Champions will also be tough. Our job now is to bring all the information to the teams in a bite-sized way, without bombarding them with details. It has to be simple and relevant to the day-to-day job, otherwise it won’t work.”
“Even though I will soon turn 50, I am not too old to learn.”
Who would most benefit from this training?
“Everyone, actually. But certainly every manager, because they are of course closest to their teams."
Is there another course on your wish list?
“Sure! Even though I will turn 50, I am not too old to learn. The refresher for FAFS officers (company emergency response) will soon be on the programme and as a prevention advisor level 3, I also attend annual refresher training. I also follow a training in the Power BI software. At Circet, we get a lot of opportunities to keep learning and growing, and I grab those opportunities with both hands.”
