Our top priority: physical and psychological safety
Safety at work is the top priority at Circet. Operations Director Christopher Kyndt therefore stresses that the number of incidents at our project sites must be reduced even further. There is also an important psychological aspect to working safely. HR Director Sophie Decroix explains how this works.
Safety at project sites
We work safely or we don’t work at all, that’s our motto. We therefore need to keep focusing on safety at project sites. Christopher: “Last year, there were still too many incidents on our sites; this really has to improve in 2025. In any case, we work together to create a safe working environment, by respecting all safety rules and protecting each other. Every day, we must aim for zero incidents.”
"Last year, there were too many incidents, and this must absolutely improve in 2025." – Christopher Kyndt
Safety within your team
“Safety is also about feeling good about yourself and having confidence,” Sophie points out. “It’s only when you feel psychologically safe within your team and with your manager that you’ll dare to ask questions or give your opinion. You are involved, you feel that you really belong and you want to make a difference. That’s how we really become One Circet.”
"Only when you feel safe within your team, do you dare to give your opinion." – Sophie Decroix
Learning from feedback
The key to feeling safe within your team is honest feedback. Because feedback helps you get better at your job. In addition to customer feedback, we learn a lot from our employee satisfaction survey. Knowing what colleagues care about allows us to adapt and improve processes, and keep work exciting and enjoyable for everyone.
In addition, we shouldn’t be afraid to give each other face-to-face feedback. Sophie: “Many colleagues find this difficult or put it off, especially if there are unpleasant things to report. Yet, these types of feedback opportunities are an absolute must. We learn the most from mistakes and aspects me need to improve, as a person, as a team and as an organisation.”
Share your vision and goals
Sophie has another message for all managers within Circet: “It’s not just the CEO who should have an opinion and a vision; it’s also important for a manager. So, share your vision, goals and priorities with your team members. This will ensure they know which direction to take.”
