Circet Academy Trainer Telly: "I want to acquire as much knowledge as possible: it teases the brain."
In #wearecircet we present you both the new additions and the regulars in our team. Meet Telly Joossens
Job title: Trainer
Years in service: 7 years
How do you contribute to the infrastructure of tomorrow?
"I am a trainer at the Circet Academy, and I train colleagues to build the best infrastructure of tomorrow. This includes a wide range of colleagues because the academy is for everyone: from technical profiles to back-office employees. Additionally, I also train employees of subcontractors.
I conduct various training and education sessions. About safety, IT applications, 5G connections, fiber deployment, customer handling... When I'm not in the classroom, I put together training materials. I create slides, videos, e-learnings, and work with programs like Photoshop and Adobe Premiere. And that's not all: I also support colleagues remotely over the phone. These could be Field Coaches or colleagues taking a training course and have a question during their work."
"I enjoy imparting knowledge and seeing others grow."
- Telly Joossens, Trainer
Why did you choose this position?
"I had my own company in the IT sector for years. In 2016, I started at Circet as a Field Engineer. After a few months, I moved up to the position of Field Coach. I wanted that because I really enjoy imparting knowledge and seeing others grow."
"Circet has grown very quickly in recent years, creating an urgent need for trainers. As a Field Coach, I was already partly involved in training people. I knew many colleagues and had a good understanding of our various services. When I was asked to become a Trainer, it was more than logical."
What do you enjoy the most about your work?
"I don't want to do the same thing twenty times a day: I love variety. My personal life proves that: I am also a private pilot, play the piano, ride motorcycles, coach a soccer team... And the fun part of my work: it's extremely varied. No day is the same.
I also accompany trainees on the job to guide them. The problems and situations they encounter are then translated into theoretical lessons. This also helps me keep my own knowledge up to date."
What are your biggest challenges?
"Meeting deadlines. We have many new colleagues, and at the Kontich office, there are only two trainers: Roel Kuenen and me. That means we have to switch gears very quickly when new colleagues join. We are currently training three groups simultaneously."
"The expansion of our service offerings also presents challenges. One example is 5G. Before Circet started rolling out 5G networks, I had never delved into this topic. So, I had to learn quickly. And it was certainly not easy to find the right information. But the motto remains: I want to acquire as much knowledge as possible: it teases the brain. If I can also make others happy with my knowledge, it's even more successful."
What tip would you give to someone who has just started at Circet?
"It's Proximus's slogan, but I also like to use it: 'Think possible.' Circet is constantly changing, and that's great. Who knows where we'll be in five years? As a colleague, it's important to know that this applies to you too. If you want to grow or learn, you can!"
Would you recommend Circet as an employer to friends or acquaintances?
"Yes! Circet is a dynamic and modern company that is open to new visions and ideas. And equally important: we are a large organization, but you are far from just a number here."
Want to become a Trainer?
Are you the walking FAQ of your team? Do you enjoy helping out when a colleague is stuck? And do you follow professional innovations as eagerly as your favorite TV series? Then you might be a great trainer. Check out the vacancy here.
