More comprehensive and professional: this is how Circet is building the charging station landscape

In 2022, Circet installed as many as 9,000 EV charging stations in the Benelux. This is important work, as the demand for charging facilities is growing exponentially. Through its approach, focused on quality and safety, Circet is also professionalising the charging station landscape. Operations Director Christopher Kyndt explains.

Afbeelding3The challenge    
De opkomst van elektrische wagens is ongekend. De vraag naar EV-laadpalen is groot en het landschap is versnipperd. Hoe kan Circet dit veranderen? 

Afbeelding5Circet’s solution
First of all: with the Circet Academy. Secondly, with a workflow platform that streamlines work processes.  

Safety and quality are priorities 

"Circet is Europe's number one when it comes to building and managing tomorrow's vital infrastructure. Both for the telecoms and energy markets," explains Operations Director Christopher Kyndt. "It is a great position - one we secure by continuously focusing primarily on the customer, safety and quality. This also applies to the installation of EV charging stations. For instance, every installation follows the four-eye principle: everything is checked by a second technician." 

Knowledge sharing is crucial

Currently, Circet is already the largest B2C player in the charging station market in Belgium. But installing charging points in large volumes is certainly no easy feat. It is a relatively young business. Also, the industry is evolving rapidly: changes follow each other in quick succession. To provide the best quality, it is crucial that mechanics are always up to date. 

Circet has developed its own way to assure this, Christopher explains. "We collect all the information our installers gain in the field. We check the information in our Circet Academy, where we train our own EV mechanics. After the check, we integrate the new knowledge into our toolboxes and training courses." 

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Own work processes and a smart platform

Besides knowledge sharing in the academy, Circet has another asset: self-developed work processes, supported by a workflow platform. Circet has long possessed the knowledge to develop its own work processes, as installing EV charging points is very similar to fibre installations.  

Competitors so far fail to organise their entire working process efficiently, making the charging station landscape hugely fragmented. The workflow platform is of great value in Circet's digital approach: it streamlines work processes. As a result, Circet is moving even faster to create a more professional charging station landscape. 


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